far from, unless, seldom, hardly, neither, rather than, no, never
1.I'm not feeling well today. I have never felt as ill as I do for a long time.
2.She is a diligent girl and is very strict in her work. She is seldom late for school.
3.Would you get me some food to eat? There's hardly anything left in the cupboard.
4.The work was far_from satisfactory. You should have been more careful.
5.Her answer is not acceptable; neither is mine.
6.Without air or water, there would be no life in the world.
7.Unless something unexpected happens tomorrow, I'll see you.
8.Many developed nations are now concerned about saving nature resources rather_than damaging or destroying them.
You can never_be_careful_enough to do your homework.
Of all the books on the desk, no_one_is_of_any_use for our study.
We don't keep winning games unless_we_keep_playing_well.
He was so full that_he_couldn't_eat_anything/could_eat_nothing.
Please sit down and wait. Mr Smith won't_come_back_until eleven o'clock.