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天津市北辰区2020届高三模拟考试三模试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1045 K
  • 更新时间2020/9/16 18:09:35
    下载统计今日0 总计3
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“Excuse me,” he waved to the waiter. The waiter arrived at our table. “I ____16____ cottage cheese, but this is the mushroom.” The waiter returned with a(n) ____17____ smile on his face and said, “I’m sorry sir. I ____18____ took the order for the mushroom.” “Then change it immediately,” I said angrily. I had ____19____ my professor, who had retired as CEO of a billion-dollar multinational corporation, to lunch at the ____20____ restaurant. The waiter smiled awkwardly. I ____21____ to begin the “do-you-know-who-he-is” dialogue. But my professor was quicker. He said, “It’s alright. Just don’t ____22____ me for both dishes,” and laughed. “No, sir. Sorry, sir. Thank you, sir,” the waiter said and the ____23____ and gratefulness were written all over his face.

“Why did you do that, sir?” I asked, ____24____ .”It’s his duty to change your dish,” I said. “See how crowded the restaurant is? It’s a(n) ____25____ noon. Vernon,” my professor said. “Changing my order would mean more ____26____ for him and the chef. Maybe the waiter is ____27____. He probably would get a warning from the manager for this ____28____. Why put them through all this ____29____? This mushroom isn’t bad.”

When the bill arrived, my professor ____30____ paying it. He even left a big tip. When we walked out, he smiled at the waiter, who ____31____ so low that I thought he’d break his back. My professor also smiled and ____32____ the doorman when he thanked us for visiting.

Here was my professor, Mr. Smith, being sympathetic to people below his ____33____, and treating them like friends. “The true measure of a man is ____34____ he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good,” said Samuel Johnson. I’ll follow my professor’s ____35____ and try my best to do the same.

16. A. mentioned       B. ignored             C. noticed             D. ordered

17. A. apologetic      B. ridiculous          C. meaningful          D. unnecessary

18. A. accurately      B. accidently          C. primarily           D. appropriately

19. A. referred        B. introduced          C. brought             D. guided

20. A. remote          B. common              C. elegant             D. self-service

21. A. happened        B. prepared            C. managed             D. failed

22. A. charge          B. blame               C. thank               D. punish

23. A. peace           B. confidence          C. worry               D. relief

24. A. excited         B. moved               C. surprised           D. disappointed

25. A. normal          B. busy                C. hot                 D. unique

26. A. work            B. income              C. value               D. practice

27. A. smart           B. careful             C. friendly            D. new

28. A. actively        B. duty                C. mistake             D. intention

29. A. break           B. boredom             C. training            D. trouble

30. A. put on          B. insist on           C. come on             D. get on

31. A. bowed           B. stood               C. sat                 D. fell

32. A. acknowledge     B. recognized          C. observed            D. understood.

33. A. age             B. status              C. expectation         D. standard

34. A. when            B. why                 C. how                 D. what

35. A. call            B. advice              C. procedure           D. example

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