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(译林牛津版)2020-2021学年高中单元综合测评1选修11(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本译林牛津版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小992 K
  • 更新时间2021/2/4 16:58:30
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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I was stopped at a red light only a mile or so from my goal of my brother's house.We were planning to drive down together to North Carolina to be with my father who was badly ill.

As I waited at the stoplight experiencing this forced slowdownI noticed Sharper's Florist over to the left.It was the same place where I had experienced many things—floods of memories went through my mind as the light seemed a blessing.I noticed the wine store straight ahead where my father and I had been many times beforepicking out the beer of the week.We both liked German beer.

The light finally became green and I made my left turn and drove through the poorsection of our hometown.I remembered how each Thanksgiving my family would be together.I also remembered how my father would take some time out of each Thanksgiving to make sure there was no one hungry in the neighborhoods surrounding where we lived.I can remember as a young boy going with him to deliver some food.I was scared.I had never been into this part of town this deeply before.

My father seemed unfazed(泰然自若的)and went about his business.The people we went to help seemed to know him and gratefully accepted what he came to offer.My father seemed able to give away the food in a way that honored those he was giving to.This was not an arrogant act.He would stop at each place and talk a littlewhich I can remember totally pissing me off(厌烦)I wanted to get the hell out of there.My father wanted to be sure everyone had food.If there were people he found who didn't have foodhe would take time to go back and get more.That's the kind of man he was.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者主要回忆了病重的父亲在年轻时所做的善事:在感恩节帮助穷人。

1When the father was illhe         .

Alived in North Carolina

Bgave away food to the poor

Ccame to help the poor in his hometown

Dstayed at the home of the author's brother

【解析】 细节理解题。根据第一段的第二句“We were planning to drive down together to North Carolina to be with my father who was badly ill.”可知,作者父亲病重时住在North Carolina

【答案】 A

2The author mentions the wine store to tell us         .

Athe same taste as his father

Bthe life in his childhood

Cthe experience with his father

Dthe birthplace of his father

【解析】 推理判断题。根据第二段的第二句“It was the same place where I had experienced many things—floods of memories went through my mind as the light seemed a blessing.”可推知,附近的售酒商店唤起了作者对与父亲在一起的时光的回忆。

【答案】 C

3The author was afraid of giving away food to the poor probably because         .

Ahis father didn't stay with him then

Bhis father didn't take good care of him

Che was unfamiliar with the surroundings

Dhe had never met so many poor people

【解析】 推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句“I had never been into this part of town this deeply before.”可推知,作者之所以害怕是因为从来没有去过,对这个地方不熟悉。

【答案】 C

4The underlined word“arrogant”in the last paragraph probably means“       

Aangry                   Bproud

Ccareless                    Dwild

【解析】 词义猜测题。根据最后一段的第三句“My father seemed able to give away the food in a way that honored those he was giving to.”和第五句中的“He would stop at each place and talk a little”可推知,作者的父亲在帮助穷人时很谦逊,尊重那些被施舍的人,而不是傲慢的。

【答案】 B

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