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北京市西城区2020-2021学年高一上学期期末测试题(英语 解析版)
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When I tried out for the football team during the summer before 9th grade, I never imagined how important this sport would become in my life. Football is a ___16___ sport, at times almost painful, and practices really ___17___ a team’s physical and mental limits. Without trust in my own ability and a strong sense of commitment (投入), I would never have managed to continue after years of hard work as a player, and with countless ___18___.

In the first year, I played on the defensive line. This was an amazing ___19___ that gave me a great sense of achievement. But in the last game of the season, I was seriously injured. I was prohibited from any physical activities for six months. After going ___20___ a series of physical treatments, I returned to the field as a team captain. I practiced harder than ever to make up for my ___21___ time.

In September, during my junior year, my name was mentioned in the local newspaper as the key defensive linemen on the team. After playing a fantastic season, I was given the ___22___ of Most Valuable Player.

___23___, my skills in football do not magically extend to other sports. During the winter break, I went on a snowboarding trip and seriously injured my right shoulder. I had to have four ___24___. Since I could not use my right arm for two months, I had to learn how to write and eat using my left hand.

____25____ life must go on. I knew that my own present efforts would decide my future, so I ____26____ the strict training program to build strength and improve flexibility in my ____27____. After an eight-month recovery, I was back out on the field playing football, the sport I ____28____.

In this sense, the world of football has taught me an important life lesson:____29____ and commitment make what seems impossible ____30____. This lesson from football is one that I know translates through every part of life.

16. A. tough           B. popular             C. typical             D. dynamic

17. A. set             B. control             C. test                D. require

18. A. mistakes        B. adventures          C. accidents           D. injuries

19. A. performance     B. position            C. moment              D. advantage

20. A. with            B. over                C. through             D. into

21. A. valuable        B. lost                C. extra               D. regular

22. A. pride           B. choice              C. name                D. honor

23. A. Unfortunately   B. Similarly           C. Happily             D. Gradually

24. A. practices       B. tryouts             C. seasons             D. operations

25. A. But             B. Or                  C. So                  D. And

26. A. examined        B. changed             C. provided            D. completed

27. A. shoulder        B. hand                C. leg                 D. foot

28. A. explore         B. avoid               C. love                D. support

29. A. Knowledge       B. Belief              C. Experience          D. Opinion

30. A. enjoyable       B. possible            C. sensible            D. responsible

【答案】16. A    17. C    18. D    19. B    20. C    21. B    22. D    23. A    24. D    25. A    26. D    27. A    28. C    29. B    30. B




考查形容词词义辨析。句意:足球是一项艰苦的运动,有时几乎是痛苦的,训练真的考验了一个球队的身体和精神极限。A. tough艰难的;B. popular受欢迎的;C. typical典型的; D. dynamic有活力的。根据at times almost painful,可知,足球是一项艰苦的运动。故选A


考查动词词义辨析。句意:足球是一项艰苦的运动,有时几乎是痛苦的,训练真的考验了一个球队队员的身体和精神极限。A. set设置;B. control控制;C. test测试,考验;D. require要求。根据a team’s physical and mental limits. 可知,足球训练考验球队队员的身体和精神极限。故选C


考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果没有对自己能力的信任和强烈的责任感,在经历了多年的伤病后,我不可能继续努力打球。A. mistakes错误;B. adventures冒险;C. accidents事故;D. injuries受伤。根据下文But in the last game of the season, I was seriously injured.During the winter break, I went on a snowboarding trip and seriously injured my right shoulder.可知,作者受过许多次伤。故选D


考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个让我很有成就感的职位。A. performance表现;B. position位置;C. moment时刻;D. advantage优势。根据In the first year, I played on the defensive line.可知,作者在防守位置上很有成就感。故选B


考查介词词义辨析。句意:在经过一系列的身体治疗后,我以队长的身份回到了球场。A. with随着;B. over遍及;C. through通过;D. into进入。go through经过。根据I returned to the field as a team captain.可知,作者经过治疗康复后重回球场。故选C


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:为了弥补失去的时间,我比以往任何时候都更加努力地练习。A. valuable有价值的;B. lost失去的;C. extra额外的;D. regular有规律的。根据But in the last game of the season, I was seriously injured. I was prohibited from any physical activities for six months.I practiced harder than ever可知,作者比以往任何时候都更加努力地练习,目的是弥补失去的时间。故选B


考查名词词义辨析。句意:在经历了一个梦幻般的赛季后,我被授予了最有价值球员的荣誉。A. pride自豪;B. choice选择;C. name名字;D. honor荣誉。根据After playing a fantastic seasonMost Valuable Player可知,作者被授予最有价值球员的荣誉。故选D


考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,我的足球技能并没有神奇地延伸到其他运动上。A. Unfortunately不幸地;B. Similarly相似地;C. Happily高兴地;D. Gradually逐渐地。根据my skills in football do not magically extend to other sports.和后文的作者滑雪受伤可知,作者感到不幸的是,他的足球技能并没有神奇地延伸到其他运动上。故选A


考查名词词义辨析。句意:我做了四次手术。A. practices练习;B. tryouts测试;C. seasons原因;D. operations手术。根据During the winter break, I went on a snowboarding trip and seriously injured my right shoulder.可知,作者受伤做了四次手术。故选D


考查连词词义辨析。句意:但生活还得继续。A. But但是;B. Or或者;C. So因此;D. And和。根据上下文可知,Since I could not use my right arm for two months, I had to learn how to write and eat using my left hand.life must go on之间是转折关系,用连词but。故选A


考查动词词义辨析。句意:我知道我现在的努力将决定我的未来,所以我完成了严格的训练计划,增强肩膀的力量和灵活性。A. examined检查;B. changed改变;C. provided提供;D. completed完成。根据I knew that my own present efforts would decide my future,to build strength and improve flexibility in my ___12___.可知,作者完成了严格的训练计划。故选D


考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道我现在的努力将决定我的未来,所以我完成了严格的训练计划,增强肩膀的力量和灵活性。A. shoulder肩膀;B. hand手;C. leg腿;D. foot脚。根据上文During the winter break, I went on a snowboarding trip and seriously injured my right shoulder.提示可知,作者是肩部受伤,所以通过训练增强肩膀的力量和灵活性。故选A


考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过8个月的康复,我又回到了球场上,踢足球,我热爱的运动。A. explore探索;B. avoid避免;C. love喜欢;D. support支持。根据When I tried out for the football team during the summer before 9th grade, I never imagined how important this sport would become in my life.After an eight-month recovery, I was back out on the field playing football,可知,作者重回球场,说明了他热爱这项运动。故选C


考查名词词义辨析。句意:从这个意义上说,足球界教会了我人生中重要一课:信念和承诺让看似不可能的事成为可能。A. Knowledge知识;B. Belief信念;C. Experience经验;D. Opinion观点。根据上文Without trust in my own ability and a strong sense of commitment (投入), I would never have managed to continue after years of hard work as a player,提示可知,信念和承诺让作者完成了许多看似不可能完成的事情。故选B


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从这个意义上说,足球界教会了我人生中重要的一课:信念和承诺让看似不可能的事成为可能。A. enjoyable愉快的;B. possible可能的;C. sensible和情理的;D. responsible负责的。根据what seems impossible可知,作者让那些看起来不可能的事情变成可能。故选B

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