Skipping Stones Youth Honor Awards
The Youth Honor Awards recognize creative and artistic works by young people that promote multicultural, international and nature awareness.
Original writing (essays(随笔), interviews, poems, plays, short stories, etc. ) and art( photos. paintings. Cartoons, etc. ) from youth. aged 7 to 17, should be typed or neatly handwritten. Essays should be under 1,000 words and poems should be under 30 lines Non-English writings, photo essays and art pieces (up to 8) are equally welcome.
You may also choose to stress the work of a youth organization or group project.。Using the same guidelines as above, tell us how the group works to preserve nature or enrich the community, its members and the lives of others.
Entries must be e-mailed or postmarked by 25 June. Please include the following:
·A cover letter telling about yourself and your works, age, address and telephone number or e-mail, which we need to contact you during August if you are a winner.
·A Certificate(证 书) of Originality and a Parental Permission to publish your work We reserve the right to publish your entry at our judgement.
·Send a $ 5 entry fee. If you enter the honor awards program and also subscribe (订购)( $ 25/year),you can enter without the entry fee. If you are entering electronically, we can send you an online request for $ 7, which includes the entry fee of $ 5, plus an additional $2convenience fee.
Ten winning entries will be published in the October issue. Winners will receive an Honor Award Certificate, a subscription to Skipping Stones and five books.
Send your award entries and submissions by e-mail or post to the address below,
P. o Box 3939
Eugene. OR 97403 USA.
In fo@Ski ppingStones.Org
21. Which of the following works are not accepted?
A. Works presented in May. B. Works including 10 art pieces.
C. Works written in Chinese. D. Works from youth organizations.
22. When will winners be announced?
A. In June. B. In July. C. In August. D. In October.
23. How much fee will you pay for an e-mailed entry?
A. $ 2. B. $ 3. C. $ 5. D. $7.