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(译林牛津版)2022届高三一轮复习第二部分高考题型组合练组合练6完形填空+语法填空+写作(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本译林牛津版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小945 K
  • 更新时间2021/10/8 18:15:35
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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(2020·济宁高三模拟)FedEx driver Ari Kadin was making his rounds near a pond in  Rockwall, Texas Suddenly, he heard a       1     sound, just like a  cry for help About 15 feet from the frozen banks was the       2       of  that cry—a brown and white dog,     3      to grasp a thin layer of  iceAn elderly man had already come to her      4    He'd entered  the pond in a rowboat and was breaking the ice with a rock to       5     a path to the dog It was      6      going, and Kadin, 42, thought he stood a better      7   

Kadin slid to go      8      the rowboat and used the elderly man's  rock to hit the ice      9    only to slip off the boat, falling into 16 feet of freezing water He     10      in time to see the dog going under  He swam about five feet towards her,     11      her collar, and pulled  her to the ice He then      12      the dog into the boat and slid it back  to the shore, where      13      bystanders rushed the dog to the home of  the rowboat owner, a retired vet A few more minutes in the pond,  the vet told Kadin, the dog would have likely      14     cardiac arrest (心脏停搏)

 The next day, Kadin was back working in the same neighborhood when the dog jumped on him and       15      him in wet kisses  “That special delivery was the highlight of my FedEx career,” says Kadin

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