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浙江省衢州第二中学2022届高三上学期第一次模拟考试试题Word版(英语 解析版)
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  • 适用年级高三年级
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  • 更新时间2021/12/6 9:35:30
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Many years ago when I first started to play tennis I was so crazy about the sport that I traveled to all four of the major grand slams–Wimbledon, the French Open, the Australian Open and the U.S.Open in New York City.I was so very impressed with the great champion Arthur Ashe and so admired him, not only as the number one tennis player in the world for a time but just as much for how dedicated he was to improving the lives of everyone, especially the unfortunate of the world. To me, he was an incredible double champion!

 I will never forget, as long as I live, that night when the last match at the U.S.Open in New York finished very late. As I walked out of the stadium to catch a cab, I was surprised to see there were only a few cabs left and tons of people heading toward them. So being quite young I sprinted to try to catch one. I barely made it to the last taxi, but as I opened the back door and jumped in, someone else was doing the same thing on the other side. As both doors slammed shut I looked over to see none other than Arthur Ashe as my seat mate! We quickly agreed to share the ride since we were both heading for mid-town Manhattan. On the ride there I picked his brains to get all the tennis and life coaching I could possible pull out of him in that 45 minutes’ ride.

 What a great experience that had been and what a great man he was. He was so much more than a world champion tennis player. From a young age growing up in a segregated(种族隔离的)society, he set about to help change the world by helping people and thus making the world a better place for all of us.

 When we are young, most of us are pretty self-centered and almost everything we do is directed at just helping ourselves. But as we grow older and a little wiser, we see that helping others is not only very satisfying but it can make the world a better place for everyone for many years to come.

1. What did the author mean by saying Arthur Ashe was a double champion?

A. He won two championships as a tennis player.

B. He helped promote the tennis sport in the world.

C. He helped many people apart from his achievements in sports.

D. He was a successful political leader as well as a tennis player.

2. What do we learn from the ride-sharing experience?

A. They didn’t talk much during the ride.                       B. They agreed to do more for young people.

C. The author learned many life lessons.                        D. Arthur Ashe gave some gifts to the author.

3. What did the author want to tell us in the story?

A. Two heads are better than one.                                 B. Action speaks louder than words.

C. One good turn deserves another.                               D. Selflessness is a mark of an honorable man.

【答案】1. C    2. C    3. D


【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者与黑人网球名将Arthur Ashe的一次共乘一车的经历。


细节理解题。根据第一段I was so very impressed with the great champion Arthur Ashe and so admired him, not only as the number one tennis player in the world for a time but just as much for how dedicated he was to improving the lives of everyone, especially the unfortunate of the world.(伟大的网球冠军阿瑟·阿什给我留下了深刻的印象,我非常钦佩他,不仅因为他曾一度是世界头号网球选手,而且因为他致力于改善每个人的生活,尤其是世界上不幸的人的生活)可知,Arthur Ashe不仅是一位网球冠军,也热心帮助他人,特别是黑人社区,因此对于作者而言,他就是一位双料冠军。故选C


细节理解题。根据文中On the ride there I picked his brains to get all the tennis and life coaching I could possible pull out of him in that 45 minutes’ ride(在去那里的路上,我向他请教了45分钟的网球和生活指导)可知,作者从拼车经验中学到了很多人生经验。故选C


主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,并结合最后一段When we are young, most of us are pretty self-centered and almost everything we do is directed at just helping ourselves. But as we grow older and a little wiser, we see that helping others is not only very satisfying but it can make the world a better place for everyone for many years to come.(当我们年轻的时候,我们大多数人都是以自我为中心的,我们所做的几乎每件事都是为了帮助自己。但是,随着我们年龄和智慧的增长,我们看到帮助他人不仅是非常令人满意的,而且可以让世界在未来的许多年里变得更美好)可知,文章讲述了世界冠军阿瑟·阿什的乐于助人的优良品质,这篇文章的主题就是凸显Arthur Ashe伟大的人格。所以作者通过这个故事要告诉我们Selflessness is a mark of an honorable man. (无私是高尚人的标志)”这样的道理。故选D

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