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(北师大版)2022高三一轮复习课时作业:必修2 Unit 5 Rhythm 单元主题语篇训练 (二) Word版(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小934 K
  • 更新时间2022/1/3 13:43:39
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Tim, my seven­year­old son, is learning to play the drums.It is an __1__ that has always caught his attention __2__ he hears them played.Before I __3__ his first lessons, drums were all he wanted.At the age of 3 he __4__ his mini drum set during a show.Using that same drum set he perfected the timing and rhythm of a popular song __5__ enough for his mom to sing along to.My son had found his passion at a young age and had a natural __6__ to catch on quickly. Wanting to act quickly to __7__ his talent, I immediately signed him up for drum lessons.No sooner had my first payment cleared than his passion __8__.He did not want to take instructions.He wanted to play the drums __9__.To him the drums were a way of __10__.Tim wanted to “play the beat of his own drum.”

The challenge was that music has more than one __11__.Rock doesn't sound like smooth jazz and smooth jazz doesn't sound like __12__.You can't play every __13__ that exists to the same beat.If__14__ were a series of songs, the melodies __15__ could be calming and peaceful, or violent and chaotic. Each event we face has its __16__ own sound, so we have to learn __17__ to play the tune of the moment.You should understand that even with all the natural talent in the world there is always __18__for improvement.You can't do it all without __19__. You won't know how to play every beat life throws at you without practice.You can't __20__talent forever.


1A.arrangement                        Benjoyment

Cinstrument                                                Dadvertisement

解析C 根据常识可知鼓是一种乐器(instrument)

2A.anyway                                                  Bhowever

Cwhatever                                                  Danytime

解析:D 每当(anytime)他听到鼓声,总是被吸引。

3A.paid for                                                 Bwaited on

Ctook off                                                    Dburst into

解析:A 根据下文的my first payment可知,在作者支付(paid for)他的第一堂课之前,鼓是他想要的全部。

4A.founded                                                 Bplayed

Clost                                                           Dlearned

解析:B 在3岁的时候,他在一个节目中表演(played)了他的迷你鼓点。

5A.similar                                                   Bhorrible

Cgood                                                         Dstrange

解析:C 用同样的鼓点,他完美地跟上了一首流行歌曲的时间和节奏,这首歌好得(good)足以让他的妈妈跟着唱。

6A.taste                                                      Btalent

Ctendency                                                   Dhabit

解析:B 根据下文的his talent可知,作者的儿子天生就有能力(talent)迅速学会自己的爱好。

7A.improve                                                 Bdecrease

Cdiscover                                                    Dadmit

解析:A 为了提高(improve)他的才能,作者立即给他报了个鼓课。

8A.rose                                                       Bstrengthened

Cprogressed                                                Ddisappeared

解析:D 根据下文的He did not want to take instructions可知,作者的第一笔付款刚一结束,他的热情就消失(disappeared)了。

9A.by himself                                              Bin his way

Cin person                                                  Dwith others

解析:B 他想用他的方法(in his way)打鼓。

10A.expression                                            Bpossession

Cpermission                                                Dimpression

解析:A 对他来说,鼓是一种表达(expression)方式。

11A.form                                                     Bsound

Cbeat                                                          Dadvantage

解析:C 根据上文的play the beat of his own drum可知,挑战在于音乐有不止一种节拍(beat)

12A.nature                                                  Bculture

Cview                                                         Dfolk

解析:D 根据空前的Rockjazz可知,此处表示一种音乐形式。folk民谣符合语境。

13A.poem                                                    Bsong

Csport                                                        Dgame

解析:B 你不能把每首歌曲(song)的节奏都演奏得一样。

14A.luck                                                     Blife

Cnight                                                        Dmusic

解析:B 如果生活(life)是一系列的歌曲,那么旋律有时(at times)可能是平静的、和缓的,有时又可能是猛烈的、混乱的。

15A.at times                                                Bas usual

Cin general                                                 Don average

解析:A 参见上题解析。

16A.quite                                                    Bwell

Cfast                                                           Dvery

解析:D 我们面对的每一个事件都有它自己的声音,所以我们必须学会如何(how)演奏这一时刻。very置于own前表示强调。

17A.when                                                    Bwhere

Chow                                                          Dwhy

解析:C 参见上题解析。

18A.place                                                    Bspot

Cscenery                                                     Droom

解析:D 你应该明白,即使集世界上所有的天赋于一身,也总有改进的空间(room)

19A.instructions                                          Befforts

Ccontributions                                            Dexperiences

解析A 根据上文的instructions可知你不可能在没有指示(instructions)的情况下完成所有的事情。

20A.figure out                                             Bput off

Crely on                                                      Dtake in

解析:C 你不能永远依靠(rely on)天赋。

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