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湖北省京山市、安陆市等百校联考2022届高三上学期10月月考 (英语)
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  • 更新时间2022/5/13 10:06:46
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Swimming Holes In America

In America, these secret swimming holes are hidden and hard to reach but well worth the adventure.

Cummins Falls

Looking for the best place to escape the summer heat in the heartland of America? For more than 100 years, Cummins Falls, a scenic, 75-foot waterfall located in Jackson County, TN, has been a treasure for Tennessee natives. But now, the secret is out! Although it's a bit tough to get to, once in the park, the mountains and river provide unmatched beauty on your way to taking a swim in Tennessee's eighth-largest waterfall.

Sliding Rock

A popular place to cool off during those hot North Carolina summers, Sliding Rock waterfall is located in the Pisgah National Forest in Transylvania County. A flattened rock about 60 feet lies in a nearly 7-foot-deep pool at the bottom, making this natural waterslide a great place to visit with people of all ages.

Mooney Falls

It is the tallest water feature in the Grand Canyon, rising 190 feet above the surface. Named after an explorer in the 1800s, Mooney Falls is accessible only by crawling() through 2 underground passages and then climbing down sheer cliff(峭壁)face with just a couple of chains to hold on to. Although it is tough to get to, the view and the cool alone make it worth the trip.

Lihue Estate

A private swimming hole at the old Lihue Sugar Farm on Kauai, HI, was changed into an inner-tube water ride by Kauai Backcountry Adventures in 2003 and opened to adults. The waters for this 2.5-mile journey, which come from near the top of Mount Waialeale-one of the wettest spots in the world-are channeled through ditches(沟渠)that were hand-dug by farm workers over a century ago.

21. Which hole may be the favourable destination for families?

A. Lihue Estate.      B. Sliding Rock.       C. Mooney Falls.      D. Cummins Falls.

22. What can we learn about Mooney Falls from the text?

A. It was found by an explorer.        B. It was hand-dug in the 1800s.

C. It is dangerous to arrive there.      D. It is the tallest fall in the world.

23. What is special about Lihue Estate?

A. It is man-made.                   B. It is a private area.

C. Its water is from underground.       D. It lies on the top of Mount Waialeale.

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