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湖北省石首市第一中学2022届高三上学期十月月考试题 (英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1013 K
  • 更新时间2022/5/13 10:08:16
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When starting college, most students enjoy a week’s stay on campus before classes actually begin. What should you do with that time? Below are several tips to ease yourself into college life.

Participating in Campus Welcome Activities

Most universities host welcome events before the academic year officially begins, including freshmen orientations, campus picnics, and entertainments like concerts.

Participating in such events is a great way to learn about school facilities and understand campus culture: What do students do for fun? What are their favorite classes? What is the history of your university? It can help you observe campus life outside the classroom.

Exploring Campus

Getting to know where essential campus resources are—such as the student advising center, psychological services, and the tutoring center—will make your first few weeks on campus a lot easier, because you won’t have to look for them while still getting used to your classes.

Take some time to check out the buildings where your classes will be held. This will prevent you from getting lost in the first few days of classes and familiarize you with how long it takes to get from place to place. If you’re worried about taking classes one after another in different buildings, a quick test run won’t hurt. That way, you will avoid potential time delays in getting to your classes.

Starting a Routine

Before getting too excited about all of the fun things you will be able to do during the week, remember that you do have a pretty big schedule change coming up. Starting classes means being in different places at different times, so it’s a great idea to start getting used to that routine right this week.

What helps you most is to schedule your sleep. Following the planned time will ensure you have enough sleep to get to those early classes and stay wide awake.

If you have other daily routines, such as exercising or talking on the phone with family, work those into your day-to-day life before classes start so that you get a better idea of how they fit in with your schedule.

1. Why are freshmen advised to have a quick test run between buildings?

A. To see how many facilities they can use.                    B. To avoid being late for future classes.

C. To help those getting lost on campus.                        D. To practice running on their way to class.

2. When is it best for freshmen to start getting used to the new routine?

A. On the first day of their classes.                                B. Before the orientation week.

C. After their first-day classes.                                      D. During the orientation week.

3. What does the author suggest freshmen do to stay focused in class?

A. Take physical exercise before class.                          B. Leave their phones powered off.

C. Take early classes every day.                                    D. Keep to the sleep schedule.

【答案】1. B    2. D    3. D




细节理解题。根据Exploring Campus部分中If you’re worried about taking classes one after another in different buildings, a quick test run won’t hurt. That way, you will avoid potential time delays in getting to your classes.(如果你担心在不同的大楼里一个接一个的上课,快速的跑步测试不会有什么害处。这样,你就可以避免上课的潜在时间耽搁)可知,建议新生在教学楼之间跑步测试是为了避免以后上课迟到。故选B


细节理解题。根据最后一段If you have other daily routines, such as exercising or talking on the phone with family, work those into your day-to-day life before classes start so that you get a better idea of how they fit in with your schedule. (如果你有其他的日常安排,比如锻炼或和家人打电话,在开始上课之前把这些安排到你的日常生活中,这样你就能更好地了解它们是如何与你的时间表相适应的)可知,新生在迎新周之前开始适应新的日常生活最好。故选D


细节理解题。根据倒数第二段What helps you most is to schedule your sleep. Following the planned time will ensure you have enough sleep to get to those early classes and stay wide awake.(对你最有帮助的是安排睡眠时间。 按照计划的时间去上课将确保你有足够的睡眠,并且保持清醒)可知,作者建议新生遵守睡眠时间表,从而在课堂上集中注意力。故选D

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