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宁夏平罗中学2022届高三上学期第一次月考试题 (英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2022/5/13 10:52:31
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Flying the friendly skies has been, well, not quite as friendly these days. If you’re looking not just for the best prices, most convenient times and most direct routes, but also for an airline that will treat you right, you’ll want to check these latest rankings.

We got our hands on the 2017 Airline Satisfaction Study, released this month, from J.D.Power North America, a global research firm. Here’s what they discovered about the best airlines.

Alaska Airlines take home the top honor for the 10th time. Flying anywhere and Alaska Airlines is an option? Jump on that deal! Why? For the past decade, they’ve ranked the highest among traditional carriers, with the score of 765 on a 1, 000-- point scale. Delta took home the silver but only with a seven-- point gap from its competitor Alaska Airlines. American Airlines came in for the bronze.

For budget airlines, Southwest is second to none. Since the research was divided into parts, Southwest got an honor of its own in the “low﹣cost carrier” part, defeating Jet Blue Airways by four points. This small margin (差额) is significant, since Southwest officially ends Jet Blue Airways’ winning this category constantly for 11 years.

The full list of the top 10 airlines, either in traditional carriers or the budget ones are below:

Best traditional airlines:

• Alaska Airlines  

• Delta Airlines

• American Airlines

• United Airlines

• Air Canada

Best low-cost airlines:

•Southwest Airlines

• JetBlue Airways

• United Airlines

• WestJet

• Frontier Airlines


1. What is the score of Delta Airlines in the 2017 Airline Satisfaction Study?

A. 765.                              B. 758.                               C. 772.                              D. 769.

2. Which airline does well both in traditional and budget carriers?

A. Alaska Airlines.               B. Air Canada.                     C. United Airlines.               D. Frontier Airlines.

3. What do we know about Southwest Airlines?

A. It narrowly beat JetBlue.                                          B. It took the second place.

C. It is the best traditional airline.                                   D. It is the safest airline.

【答案】1. B    2. C    3. A




细节理解题。根据文章第三段For the past decade, they’ve ranked the highest among traditional carriers, with the score of 765 on a 1, 000-- point scale. Delta took home the silver but only with a seven-- point gap from its competitor Alaska Airlines.(在过去的十年中,他们在传统航空公司中排名最高,得分为765(满分1000)。达美航空(Delta)7分的优势击败竞争对手阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Airlines),获得亚军。)可知,Delta航空获得了758分。故选B


细节理解题。根据表格内容可知,United Airlines在传统航空公司和廉价航空公司两方面排名都很优秀。故选C


细节理解题。根据文章第四段Since the research was divided into parts, Southwest got an honor of its own in the “lowcost carrier” part, defeating Jet Blue Airways by four points.(西南航空在低成本航空公司部分获得了自己的荣誉,以4分的优势击败了Jet Blue Airways。)可知,西南航空以微弱的优势打败了Jet Blue Airways。故选A


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