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贵州省贵阳市、黔南州2022届高三上学期8月摸底联考试题 (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1753 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/2 16:34:12
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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In search of something good to read? USA TODAY's Barbara VanDenburgh listed this week's hottest new book releases. All books are on sale June 22.

Filthy Animals, by Brandon Taylor (Riverhead, fiction)

What it's about: The Booker Prize finalist and author of "Real Life" returns with a collection of linked stories set among complex young creatives in the Midwest and observing their tense relationships.

"Full of beauty and harshness(严厉), the complex and surprising stories of `Filthy Animals' will stick with readers long after the pages are read," says a review for USA TODAY.

Dream Girl, by Laura Lippman (William Morrow, fiction)

What it's about: Novelist Gerry Andersen, injured in a fall, is confined to a hospital bed when he gets a mysterious call from a woman claiming to be the "real" Aubrey, the main character from his popular book-only there is no real Aubrey.

"Lippman's sharp and timely thriller is a fast read, one that will surely please her many longtime devotees as well as attract new and enthusiastic fans," says a review for USA TODAY.

What White People Can Do Next, by Emma Dabiri (Harper Perennial, nonfiction)

What it's about: A practical guide to creating an antiracist world in essays that expose the ways many people are complicit(同谋)and outline actions that can affect lasting change.

"A must-read for anyone seeking to be an agent of much-needed societal change," says a starred review from Kirkus Reviews.

Blush, by Jamie Brenner (Putnam, fiction)

What it's about: As the Hollander Estates winery struggles to stay in business, three generations of Hollander women-Vivian, Leah and Sadie-distract themselves from worries by starting a "trashy" book club for scandalous novels of the old days.

"A perfect beach read about a family crisis resolved by women," says Kirkus Reviews.

21. Which book's style of writing is different from others?

A. Filthy Animals.    B. Dream Girl.     C. What White People Can Do Next.     D. Blush.

22. In which column of a newspaper could we find this text?

A. Jobs.       B. Science.      C. News.      D. Literature.

23. What do we know about the four books?

A. They will be sold the same day.      B. They share the same values.

C. They have the same influence.       D. They are from the same author.

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