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四川省遂宁市2022届高三下学期三诊试题(三模) (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1021 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/6 17:52:41
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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 “Use up all leftovers.” “Buy second-hand things instead of new ones”. “Learn DIY to fix things yourself.” “Invite friends over instead of going out.” “Grow your own food.” “Save rainwater for your garden.” Nowadays, more and more people take action to save for life. Let’s see what there people do in saving and how they enjoy doing so.

“To save money in college, I decided to do the no new clothes challenge last year. This meant I didn’t buy new clothes for an entire year. It was a little embarrassing to rewear the same clothes to different parties and events, but it was worth it. After all, I saved all the money!”

---Eden from Mint Notion

“I copied a whole textbook. I didn’t feel like buying a new one, so instead, I borrowed one from a classmate and copied the entire thing using the copy machine. It may or may not have taken a few hours but I saved $ 20. And for a college student who was broke, that was a lot!”

---Athena from Money Smart Latina

“Cat litter(猫砂)is something that can set me back a couple hundred dollars every day. However, by toilet-training my cat with a $ 20 toilet trainer, I’m able to save on the costs and avoid the trouble to change it. Plus it’s always funny to see the cat on the toilet.”

---Dustyn from Dime Will Tell


21. Who gave up buying clothes to save money?

A. Athena.                  B. Eden.   

C. Dustyn.                  D. Smart Latina.

22. How does Dustyn save for life?

A. By walking his cat outside.

B. By switching to cheap cat litter.     

C. By teaching his cat to use the toilet.

D. By reducing the amount of cat litter. 

23. What do the three people have in common?

A. They learn DIY to fix things.

B. They received higher education.

   C. They’re not in financial difficulties.

   D. They feel it worthwhile to save money.

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