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Hiking, a kind of interaction with nature, provides fantastic exercise, combining sightseeing and workouts into one. Here are some unforgettable hiking vacations that will lead you into the thick of your destination.

Larapinta Trail, Australia

Dying for a good hike through the outback 内陆)? Then head to Australia’ s Larapinta Trail, a 130-mile trip through the Northern Territory of the island continent. Almost the entire hike is desert. Perhaps the best way to end a long day in the hot Australian sun is to watch the pink-and-orange sunset, open a sleeping bag and look up. Repeat visitors to the Larapinta say this part of Australia offers some of the best stargazing in the world.

Inca Trail, Peru

Today, as part of an effort to minimize environmental impact, trail(线路) access is limited to 500 people per day, and most hikers participate as part of guided groups. And the most thoughtful thing is that the groups hire porters to carry the luggage, so hikers need only to worry about enjoying the scenery! Most of these organized trails include tent accommodations and surprisingly delicious three-course meals. Of course, they also include a final day at Machu Picchu, the “Lost City of the Incas”.

Cape Scott Trail, British Columbia

To call the five-day hike challenging would be the understatement of the century. The adventure begins gradually. From the trailhead at Cape Scott Provincial Park, the trail follows an old settler's road along a stream through a 4-mile stretch of wetland. With every step, the mud threatens to add to what surely has become a sizable boot collection. Because the rivers are so wide, visitors have to take the cable-car.

Via Ferrata, Italy

The trails themselves date to World War I, when Italian forces built them as a way to move soldiers from one section of the Alps to another. Today, with the war in the distant past, the routes provide the perfect venue for hikers looking for a day-long escape.

21. What attracts visitors most for Larapinta Trail?

A. Having the longest hike.                               B. Touring the continent.

C. Exploring in the desert.                                D. Watching the starry sky.

22. What makes Inca Trail sweet?

A. Free accommodations are provided.              B. Hikers needn't take their luggage.

C. Hikers themselves serve as guides.         D. The meals are specially cooked.

23. Which of the following trails might be risky for hikers?

A. Inca Trail.               B. Larapinta Trail. C. Cape Scott Trail.      D. Via Ferrata.

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