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Restless sleepers know that the bedtime struggle is real. They’ve tried everything from meditation apps to white noise machines in their efforts to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. But could the trick to better sleep lie with your blanket choice? Those who swear by weighted blankets think so.

Bearaby Cotton Napper

Price range:$259 to $279

Available weights: 15 pounds to 25 pounds

A weighted blanket like nothing you've ever seen Bearaby's braided (编织) blanket is among the best weighted blankets we've ever tried. The braided effect is not only extraordinary but it also provides aurdow so you can’t get too not while wrapped up in it, making it a comfortable and popular option.

YnM Weighted Blanket

Price range:$49.90 to $89

Available weights: 5 pounds to 30 pounds

With a 4.6-star rating from over 21,000 reviews, this blanket has been tested by customers and comes out on top. It comes in a ton of fin colors and patterns, plus it has many uses, since the blanket can be used along with a duvet (羽绒被) cover or on its own.

Luna Weighted Blanket

Price range: $99.99 to $169.99

Available weights: 5 pounds to 30 pounds

This 400-thread-count lightweight blanket is made from a natural, sustainable cotton that's free from any harmful chemicals. It comes with a 365- night money-back guarantee, so if you decide a weighted blanket isn't for you, you can send it back for a full refund (退款). But you probably won’t want to-this blanket has more than 10,000 5-star reviews.

Y nM Duvet Covers

Price range: $89.90 to $179

Available weights: 5 pounds to 30 pounds

This lighter weighted blanket from YnM is perfect for kids and even comes with two inter changeable, machine-washable duvet covers. One cover is soft and cozy to keep your kids warm on cold nights, and the other is made from cooling materials to ensure they don't wake up sweaty when summer rolls around.

21. What can we learn about Bearaby Cotton Nappor?

A. It can breathe perfectly.

B. It is the lightest blanket.

C. It has various functions.

D It is the most affordable.

22. What's probably the major concern for those who choose Luna Weighted Blanket?

A. A full refund.

B. Personal security.

C. A harmless material.

D. Chemical reaction.

23. Which blanket best suits children?

A. Bearaby Cotton Napper.

B. YnM Weighted Blanket.

C. Luna Weighted Blanket.

D. YnM Duvet Covers.


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