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  • 更新时间2022/9/5 14:38:32
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There is an old story about an army of frogs that were jumping through the forest one day when two of them suddenly fell into a deep hole. ____36____ The frogs outside the hole all began to sadly shake their heads and croak out warnings. “It’s too deep!” croaked one frog. Another croaked that there was no way they would ever be able to get out alive.

The two fallen frogs began to continuously jump as they attempted to get out. But the frogs that were watching kept croaking louder at them that they might as well stop. ____37____. One of the two frogs finally gave up, followed their advice and died.

____38____, in spite of all the loud croaks of disapproval from the frogs around the top of the hole. They kept croaking at him to quit jumping and save himself from all the pain and suffering as he jumped and fell back down to the bottom over and over.

____39____. The other frogs asked him, “How did you make it when we yelled and croaked at you to stop?” The frog explained to them he was deaf at that time and that he had thought they were cheering for him and yelling words of encouragement to him the entire time!

A little encouragement can go a long way. We don’t often think about the effect that our words have upon others. ____40____

A. The other frog just kept on jumping harder than ever.

B. Our words do have the power to hurt or to help.

C. All of the other frogs gathered around to look down at their two fallen friends.

D. Then all the other frogs jumped into the hole.

E. Finally, to the surprise of all the other frogs, he jumped right out of the deep hole.

F. Finally both of the frogs died in the hole.

G. The frogs told them that they were just wasting their time.

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