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黑龙江省大庆中学2021-2022学年高二上学期开学考试试题(英语 解析版)
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Natural Formations You Can Find Outdoors Near Boston

Sculptured Rocks Natural Area

Location: Groton, NH

Driving time from Boston: 2 hours

Situated off the side of a quiet road, you’ll find the Cockermouth River running through a land of unusual rock formations and glacial potholes (冰川壶穴). If you know roads around Boston well, you’re probably not excited at the thought of potholes, but these are potholes you’ll actually want to see. It’s a great swimming spot in the summer and the rocks provide many choices to jump from when the conditions are right.

Madison Boulder

Location: Madison, NH

Driving time from Boston: 2 hours 20 minutes

The Madison Boulder is the largest glacial erratic (漂砺) in North America. It weighs over 5,000 tons and stands 83 feet long, 37 feet wide, and 23 feet tall. That’s larger than the average house in the United States. Be sure to pack a lunch, because the area around the rock is perfect for picnicking.

Rock House Reservation

Location: West Brookfield, MA

Driving time from Boston: 1 hour 25 minutes

The attraction of this 196-acre reservation is the Rock House. At the end of the Ice Age 12,000 years ago, a glacier carved this 30-foot-high rock into a perfect shelter. With part of the rock sticking out overhead to form a large roof, Native Americans used it as a camp to protect them from the cold winters. Years later, the land was used for farming and more. Today, the place is popular for activities like horseback riding and mountain biking.

The Buttonball Tree

Location: Sunderland, MA

Driving time from Boston: 1 hour 50 minutes

Towering at around 115 feet high and spanning over 130 feet across, the Buttonball Tree is the largest tree east of the Mississippi River. No one knows for sure when it was planted. Estimates (估计) put it at around 400 years old.

1. Where should you go if you want to go swimming?

A. Groton, NH                                                            B. Madison, NH

C. Sunderland, MA                                                      D. West Brookfield, MA

2. Which of the following is farthest from Boston?

A. Madison Boulder.                                                     B. The Buttonball Tree.

C. Rock House Reservation.                                         D. Sculptured Rocks Natural Area.

3. What do we know about the Rock House?

A. It stands 23 feet tall.                                                B. It is a man-made wonder.

C. It once served as a shelter.                                       D. It was created 400 years ago.

【答案】1. A    2. A    3. C




细节理解题。根据Sculptured Rocks Natural Area“Location: Groton, NH (位置:Groton, NH)”“ It’s a great swimming spot in the summer and the rocks provide many choices to jump from when the conditions are right.( 在夏天,这里是一个游泳的好地方,当条件合适的时候,岩石提供了许多选择。)”可知,如果你想去游泳,你可以去Groton, NH。故选A


细节理解题。根据Sculptured Rocks Natural Area“Driving time from Boston: 2 hours(从波士顿开车2小时)” Madison Boulder“Driving time from Boston: 2 hours 20 minutes(从波士顿开车2小时20分钟)Rock House Reservation“Driving time from Boston: 1 hour 25 minutes(从波士顿开车时间:1小时25分钟)”The Buttonball Tree“Driving time from Boston: 1 hour 50 minutes(从波士顿开车时间:1小时50分钟)”可知,在这四个旅游景点中,从波士顿去Madison Boulder需开车2小时20分钟,这是距离波士顿最远的景区。故选A


细节理解题。根据Rock House Reservation“At the end of the Ice Age 12,000 years ago, a glacier carved this 30-foot-high rock into a perfect shelter.( 在一万二千年前的冰河时代末期,一座冰川把这块三十英尺高的岩石雕刻成了一个完美的避难所。)”可知,Rock House曾经是一个避难所。故选C

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