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2022年高考二轮复习30分语言运用限时满分练七(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小936 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/5 11:18:07
    下载统计今日0 总计2
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I was ready for bed. My eyes fell on the musical  1  on my bedside table. In it was a photo of Dad smiling, and once opened, it would play his  2  song recorded before his death. It was propped(支撑) open just enough so the recording wouldnt play. 

Dad was a  3  man. He was always singing me his little made-up songs to share joy although he was  4  off-key, not hitting every note. 

Dad was a man with big heart. When my house burned down a few years ago, Dad  5  my family into his home. When we tried to offer some  6 , he said with his characteristic voice, Dont be  7 ! 

With happy  8 , I fell asleep. 

“Beautiful and wonderful!

Suddenly, I was awoken hours later by the  9  song. The card! I snapped it shut(啪的一声合上). 

How did that card just start playing? I checked the windows, all tightly shut. But why couldnt I  10  the feeling that something was wrong? 

I decided to  11  downstairs. Opening the door to the laundry room, I was hit with a strong smell of  12 . The heat lamp had fallen, and the carpet was burning. 

The  13  wasnt too bad. I let out a shaky breath with  14 . What could have happened? Perhaps another house fire...But we were safe. All thanks to Dads one-of-a-kind  15 


1.A.card         B.record

C.box             D.clock

2.A.sad           B.particular

C.strange         D.religious

3.A.powerful      B.joyful

C.traditional     D.reliable

4.A.hardly        B.intentionally

C.typically       D.annoyingly

5.A.moved         B.frightened

C.dragged         D.tricked

6.A.tips          B.protection

C.rent            D.opportunities

7.A.careful       B.mean

C.sensible        D.laughable

8.A.endings       B.songs

C.wishes          D.memories

9.A.embarrassing B.familiar

C.classic         D.beautiful

10.A.shake        B.believe

C.express         D.tolerate

11.A.observe      B.check

C.test            D.wander

12.A.cigarettes   B.chemicals

C.smoke           D.cooking

13.A.influence    B.reflection

C.damage          D.change

14.A.satisfaction               B.regret

C.excitement      D.relief

15.A.voice        B.kindness

C.generosity      D.heart

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