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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小923 K
  • 更新时间2023/7/31 10:48:12
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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When the cat Fluffy disappeared from her home in Navarre,Ohio,her owner spotted her high in a pine tree.Ellen Albert wasn’t immediately concerned because everyone told her that cats always came down when they were hungry.

That was on a Friday.On Sunday,when the white cat showed no sign of leaving and was still high in the tree,Ellen Albert called Erie Valley Fire and Rescue for help with her pet.

“Fluffy was about 40 feet in the air.Too high for the ladders we carry,”Ryan Shanower of Erie Valley Fire and Rescue said.“She was also near some power lines that caused danger.We tried cat food on day two of her being there and hoped by evening she’d be down.High winds and hard rain on day one evening and most of day two made the rescue attempts more difficult.”

Fire Chief Rick Annen told his theory about how the cat ended up so high in the tree.Annen saw hawks(老鹰) sitting on a building across the street and noticed Fluffy’s regular collar and flea collar were both missing.He figured a hawk had picked up Fluffy by the collars and she had gotten free and fallen high in the pine tree.

By day three,the rain had stopped enough,but Fluffy still wouldn’t,or couldn’t,come down.The fire department reached out to a local tree service to see if they’d lend a hand to the frightened cat.They showed up with a bucket truck they use to trim(修剪) tall trees.Once the bucket truck was up in the air,Fluffy was down in a minute or two.

It was a happy ending,for sure,but not a common day’s work for these firefighters.

1.What added to the difficulty in rescuing the cat?

A.Bad weather.

B.No effective tools.

C.The power lines.

D.The cat’s weakness.



2.What can we know about the cat Fluffy?

A.It tended to climb trees when hungry.

B.It climbed up to the pine tree on Friday.

C.Its situation might be caused by a hawk.

D.Its collars were on the top of the pine tree.



3.How did people rescue the cat finally?

A.They got the tree trimmed.

B.They used a long enough ladder.

C.They employed a bucket truck.

D.They pushed it to come down.



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