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Wintery world

Family activity/December 10, 2023


Explore the winter in this exciting event, full of art, crafts and exploration.Experience an exciting journey, wandering through cold, beautiful landscapes, before returning to the warmth of light and color.We'll look at scenes of winter from across the world in our collection, with the opportunity to create a wintery masterpiece to take home and display.

Out-of-hours tour: life and death in ancient Egypt

December 11, 2023-December 19, 2023

33, 30 (Members), 16.50 (Ages 5-15), free for under 5 and disabled visitors' assistant

Discover how people lived and died in ancient Egypt, and explore their hopes and aspirations for the afterlife.From painted coffins, statues and models of daily life, to spectacular wall paintings, investigate what tombs and burial goods tell us about the lives of ancient Egyptian people.

The world of Stonehenge

February 17, 2024-July 17, 2024

Tickets will go on sale in early December

Stonehenge is perhaps the world's most awe-inspiring ancient stone circle, and its image is famous around the globe.This major exhibition is the first of its kind in the UK.It will bring the story of Stonehenge into sharper focus, showing that rather than a shadowy age of mystery, Britain and Ireland of four millennia ago were places of big ideas, commerce and travel.

Around the world in a 70-minute tour

December 10, 2023-December 19, 2023

Adults and children aged 12+, £14

Explore some of the most famous objects on display at the Museum on this guided highlight tour.Follow our knowledgeable tour guide on a journey of discovery around the galleries.See the complex detail of the characterful Lewis Chessmen, marvel at the ancient texts on the world-famous Rosetta Stone and get closer to many more highlights from the collection.


1If you're interested in ancient British lives, you can choose  C  .

AWintery world

BOut-of-hours tour

CThe world of Stonehenge

DAround the world in a 70-minute tour

解析:细节理解题。根据The world of Stonehenge部分中的“It will bring the story of Stonehenge into sharper focus, showing that rather than a shadowy age of mystery, Britain and Ireland of four millennia ago were places of big ideas, commerce and travel.(它将把巨石阵的故事带入更清晰的焦点,表明四千年前的英国和爱尔兰不是一个神秘的阴影时代,而是一个充满伟大思想、商业和旅游的地方。)”可知,如果你对古代英国人的生活感兴趣,你可以选择巨石阵的世界。故选C

2How much should a member pay to visit Out-of-hours tour with 2 kids aged 3 and 13 C 

A.£28.                           B.£30.

C.£46.5.                         D.£63.

解析:细节理解题。根据Out-of-hours tour: life and death in ancient Egypt部分中的30 (Members), 16.50 (Ages 5-15), free for under 5 and disabled visitors' assistant(30英镑(会员)16.50英镑(5—15)5岁以下和残疾游客助理免费)”可知,带两个3岁和13岁的孩子参观非工作时间旅行,会员需要支付46.5(3016.5)英镑。故选C

3Where can we probably find the text A 

AIn a travel leaflet.

BIn a science report.

CIn a fashion magazine.

DIn a history coursebook.

解析:推理判断题。根据Wintery world部分中的“Explore the winter in this exciting event, full of art, crafts and exploration.Experience an exciting journey, wandering through cold, beautiful landscapes, before returning to the warmth of light and color.(在这个充满艺术、手工艺和探索的激动人心的活动中探索冬天。体验一段令人兴奋的旅程,在寒冷而美丽的风景中漫步,然后回到温暖的光线和色彩中。)”可知,这是一篇观光旅游的宣传单。故选A

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