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In Grytviken on South Georgia Island in the South Atlantic Ocean lies the South Georgia Museum, one of the most remote museums in the world.

South Georgia Museum is located in the island's old whaling station.Whaling, or the hunting of whales for their usable natural products, such as meat and oil, ceased there in 1964.The building that now houses the museum once served as the whaling manager's home and office and went unused for over 20 years before it opened to the public as a museum in 1992.

There are no passenger flights to or from Grytviken, so the majority of visitors arrive on a ship.The island itself only sees about 10,000 visitors a year and there are no permanent residents, only a group of 20 scientists, maintenance staff, and museum workers who brave the island's cold weather conditions.Traveling to the museum requires advance planning.South Georgia Museum staff all travel to the island from abroad for the southern hemisphere (半球) spring, or mid-October, and most come from the United Kingdom, around 8,000 miles north.

The museum, which offers free admission, “aims to make this history and heritage accessible both to the visiting public and to those unable to visit this remote region through education, exhibitions and outreach” according to its website.It houses a natural history collection, artifacts, exhibitions related to the early history of sealing and whaling as well as Antarctic explorer, Sir Ernest Shackleton, and more.The museum rooms are named after individuals who contributed to the growth or conservation of the island in some way.

The temperature is ideal for visitors October through December, but still, daytime highs don't often reach above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.For those who work there, Internet access is patchy and fresh food options are rare.It's not a place for everyone, but for the staff that calls it home for parts of the year; it's a unique form of paradise.“Stepping away from the world has been a treat”said Pierce, one of the staff.


1What can we learn about the South Georgia Museum?


AIt is accessible to visitors by air.

BIt has 20 maintenance workers.

CIt opened to the public in 1964.

DIt used to be a whaling station.


2Who are the rooms of the museum named after C 

AManagers of the whaling station.

BAdventurers exploring the Antarctic.

CThose who made contributions to the island.

DIndividuals who conserved whales from extinction.

解析:细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句话“The museum rooms are named after individuals who contributed to the growth or conservation of the island in some way.”可知,该博物馆的房间是以对该岛的发展或保护作出贡献的个人的姓名命名的。故选C

3What does the underlined word “patchy” mean in the last paragraph A 

APoor.                           BEasy.

CFree.                           DQuick.

解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“fresh food options are rare”可知,此处描述的是在那里工作的条件很艰苦,由此可推知, patchy 应该表示时好时坏的,不稳定的,和A项意思相近。故选A

4In which column of a website can we probably find this text C 

AAnimals.                        BPeople.

CTravel.                         DNews.

解析:推理判断题。根据第一段及最后一段的“The temperature is ideal for visitors October through December”可知,本篇文章主要介绍位于南大西洋的古利德维肯的南乔治亚博物馆,所以可能是选自于旅游一栏。故选C

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