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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小914 K
  • 更新时间2024/7/1 8:45:26
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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Scientists have recently discovered the worlds largest known field of seagrass.They did it using videos shot by some extraordinary helpers.The work should help protect the seagrass,and also shows off a powerful way to explore the ocean.

As a shelter for many sea creatures,seagrass is a flowering plant that normally grows in shallow waters near coasts.They grow in thick fields,known as seagrass meadows(海草草场),which help clean the ocean water.More importantly,they are called “ocean lung”.They help in the fight against the climate crisis.Thats because they store huge amounts of carbon—the major source of global warming.Damaging these seagrass meadows can release this pollutant again,making things worse.

Considering the urgent need to protect seagrass meadows,scientists are eager to know about their size and number.However,the meadows can be hard to spot from above,either because the water is too deep or not clear enough.And the ocean is so huge that its hard to study them by diving.So scientists decided to have tiger sharks help the research.

Tiger sharks are inborn fast swimmers,and spend a lot of time in seagrass meadows.Between 2016 and 2020,the researchers attached cameras and other trackers to the fins of seven tiger sharks,and then let them go again.The cameras were designed to fall off after hours and float to the surface.Tracking signals helped find the floating cameras and collect the videos the sharks had taken while traveling for miles.Moreover,other tools were used,including satellite images,as well as images taken by divers and boats.

Putting all this information together,the scientists learned that the waters around the Bahamas are home to the largest seagrass meadow ever discovered.And the meadows cover at least 25,500 square miles,and could be as large as 35,500 square miles.

Different from previous studies,the program discovers how useful large underwater animals can be in helping to learn more about life under the sea.Oliver Shipley,a scientist from the team,says animals like tiger sharks are going to take us to new places that we didnt know existed.

1.Why do seagrass meadows urgently need protection?

A.Damaging them will worsen climate crisis.

B.They determine the cleanliness of ocean water.

C.Sea creatures cant survive without their shelter.

D.Their existence balances the underwater ecosystem.

2.How did tiger sharks help the scientific research?

A.By tracking signals scientists sent.

B.By bringing back cameras with videos.

C.By carrying the recording equipment around.

D.By spending a lot of time in seagrass meadows.

3.What is the highlight about the research according to the text?

A.Leading scientists.

B.Advanced theories.

C.Multiple experimental tools.

D.Unusual research assistants.

4.Which is the most suitable title for the text?

A.Man and Nature Work Together

B.A Novel Way to Explore the Sea

C.Sea Grass:An Undervalued Plant

D.Ocean Lung Measured by Natural Explorers

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