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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小915 K
  • 更新时间2024/11/29 11:55:22
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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Emerging economies struggled to grow through the 2010s and pessimism clouds them now. People wonder how they will pay debts piling up during the pandemic and how they can grow rapidly. The freshest answer to this problem is the fast­spreading digital revolution. The world's largest emerging market has already demonstrated the enormous effects of digital technology. As China's old industries have slowed sharply over the past decade, the booming technology industry has kept the economy growing steadily.
Now China's emerging market peers are getting a push from the same digital engines. Since 2014, more than 10,000 tech firms have been launched in emerging markets—nearly half of them outside China. From Bangladesh to Egypt, it is easy to find entrepreneurs who worked for Facebook or other US giants before coming home to start their own companies.
How can it be that the emerging market countries are adopting common digital technologies faster than the richer countries? One explanation is habit and its absence. In societies filled with stores and services, customers are often comfortable with the providers they have and slow to abandon them. In countries where people have difficulty even finding public facilities, a bank or a hospital, they will jump at the first digital option that comes along. Though only 5% of the Kenyans carry credit cards, more than 70% have access to digital banking.
The digital impact on productivity is visible on the ground, Many governments are moving services online to make them more transparent and less vulnerable to corruption, perhaps the most feared obstacle to doing business in the emerging world. Since 2010, the cost of starting a business has been steady in developed countries while falling sharply in emerging market countries, from 66% to just 27% of the average annual income. Entrepreneurs can now launch businesses affordably, organizing much of what they need on a smartphone.
The era of rapid digitization has only just begun. This offers many developing economies a revolutionary new path to catching up with the living standards of the developed world.
1.Which is a result of digital technology for China?
A.Stabilizing its economy.
B.Accumulating its debts.
C.Keeping its old industries booming.
D.Letting its new industries slow sharply.
2.Why does the author mention Kenyans in Paragraph  3?
A.To present emerging markets' digital technologies.
B.To show rich nations abandon what they own unwillingly.
C.To present emerging markets accept digital options warmly.
D.To show poor nations have difficulty building public facilities.
3.What plays a key role in the boom of digital businesses in emerging markets?
A.The steady annual income.
B.The low cost of launching businesses.
C.The simplified procedure of setting up a business.
D.The thorough removal of the most feared obstacle.
4.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Emerging Economies Are Seeking Their Fortune
B.The Digital Impact Is Huge on Global Productivity
C.The Era of Rapid Digitization Is Around the Corner
D.Digital Technology Will Save Slow Emerging Markets
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